Category: audio
Yessiree. There are a few DXers out there who in the pursuit of a QSL have the gall to fabricate a reception report. The phenomenon, if it can be called that, is nothing new. It is as old as radio itself.
Why address the subject? Well, a few days back a fellow DXer and free-radio operator called it to my attention. He informed me of an individual who, apparently after reading my blog entry for his station, decided to pass off a reception report as his own. The station alerted me and promptly asked the guy to submit an audio file of the transmission. Guess what? He couldn’t produce it.
Wait a minute! He could have sourced the Internet for an audio file and produced a sample, right? It does happen. I actually had one young man do just that. He submitted a file of WWV and CHU on frequencies for times normally not received in his quarter, yet he tried to pass it off as genuine. How did I know it was fake, aside from the obvious physics? The audio file — stolen from a fellow radio listener — still had the original Box or Soundcloud name attached to it.
Even with the advent of remote web-receivers some DXers attempt to pass off the remote RX location as their home RX location. A diligent station engineer/operator will immediately recognise this for what it is — a bogus or less than accurate report. Why hide the obvious fact? There is no shame in stating the actual RX location, even if it is remotely observed. Simply keep one’s home and remote QSLs in separate categories. Be honest.
Now, it is possible to submit a reception report to a station, honestly believing it is a particular broadcaster. The time, frequency and language of the broadcaster all seem to be the station. Unfortunately after either submitting a report or further listening, usually days later, one discovers the error. It happens. I have done it more than a few times myself over the decades. Yet, I will fess up and duly note my error.
Folks, honesty is more priceless than any QSL, however prized it may be. No DX contest for X number of stations, X number of countries is worth sacrificing one’s integrity. Be patient and diligent in DXing. It’s like fishing. It takes time, calculation and patience. And the results are far more rewarding when one knows it was a genuine catch.
Happy DXing!!!
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Für alle freien Radiomacher: Radiocamp am Bodensee vom 13. bis 17. Mai!
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Vom 13. bis 17. Mai 2015 werden unterschiedlichste Radioworkshops angeboten: ob nun redaktionell, technisch oder theoretisch interessiert, Neues zu erfahren gibt es auf allen Gebieten. Und da die Workshops noch mit kulturellem Programm, von verschiedenen Freizeitaktivitäten und wunderschöner Umgebung umschmückt sind, wird nicht nur die Wissbegier
von Radio-Neulingen und Radio-Fortgeschrittenen gestillt, sondern auch das Kontakte knüpfen, Neue-Leute-Kennenlernen, Spaß haben und Diskutieren kommt nicht zu kurz.
In den vergangenen Jahren trafen sich hier Radiomacher_innen allen Alters und aus allen Ecken der Erde, so soll es auch dieses Jahr werden.
Bis Mitte Mai also!
Mehr Infos:
Programm 2015:
Workshops 2015:
- Was ist und wie mache ich Freies Radio
- All Inclusive – barrierefreies Jugendradio
- Workshop für Stimme- und Körperarbeit
- “Frauenfunk” – Eine historische Betrachtung, von der weimarer Republik
bis Heute
- Bandinterviews geschickt führen
- ‘Audio Slide Show’
Multimediareportagen mit Foto, Geräuschen und O-Tönen