AM Italia 207 Khz

Am 12. Dezember wird der Langwellensender von AM Italia auf 207 kHz in Ville Estense (Padua) eingeschaltet, die Leistung beträgt 1 kW mit einer 350m Drahtantenne. Mit der Gedenksendung soll an die Verbindung zwischen Poldhu [Cornwall] und St. Johns, Neufundland, erinnert werden, wobei Marconis Rede und 3 Punkte des Buchstabens S wiederholt werden. Die Marconi-Sendung von Poldhu nach Neufundland fand am 12. Dezember 1901 statt. (via

Info via Facebook A-DX


I had a ham radio contact with a Portuguese station. We talked about shortwave radio, and he told me about the new Netflix series “Gloria”. The backdrop is The Radio Free Europe transmitter at Gloria, Portugal in 1968, in the midst of the Cold War. It’s technically well researched and full of espionage and intrigue. I just saw the first episode. This is a must see.

Info via Facebook

New DX program on WRMI – Beginning today, December 2

New DX program on WRMI – Beginning today, December 2, WRMI is pleased to broadcast a weekly DX program especially oriented toward the large number of amateur radio operators in our audience. The name is “CQ Calling.” It’s produced and presented by Larry Deyoe, who says:
“I’ve been an avid medium wave and shortwave DX’er since 1972.
I began in broadcasting in 1977 in Portland, Oregon. A total of 11 years in commercial radio. I host a nearly daily YouTube show between 20:00 and 21:00 UTC called ‘Ham Radio Live!’ ‘Ham Radio Live’ is a live show watched daily by people from around the world. The show encourages people to get their ham license while also celebrating shortwave, DX, CB and radio history. The live viewers are a KEY ELEMENT to every show.”
CQ Calling is aired on WRMI Thursdays at the following times and frequencies:
* Thursday 0815 UTC on 7730 kHz to Hawaii/South Pacific/Australia/New Zealand
* Thursday 2015 UTC on 15770 kHz to Europe/North Africa/Middle East
* Thursday 7:30 pm Eastern Time on 9395 kHz to North America
* Thursday 8:15 pm Eastern Time on 9955 kHz to Caribbean/Central America/South America
Note: The Thursday 8:15 pm ET broadcast is also simulcast on our Internet stream at
So, tune in each Thursday for CQ Calling on WRMI.