Japan Shortwave Club(JSWC) celebrated 70th anniversary this year 2022

Japan Shortwave Club(JSWC) celebrated 70th anniversary this year 2022. In July 1952, just after Japan gained independence again by San Francisco Peace Conference, students Tohoku University in Sendai founded the club, and published the first edition of “SW DX Guide” (8 pages, all in English) by mimeograph printing. The first forward was given by Mr.O.Lund Johansen, the publisher and the editor of World Radio Handbook of the days, as “My heartiest congratulation to Japan Shortwave Club. I hope the World Radio Handbook will be of value to each of the members in their world listening, and in this way contribute to best possible understanding between the Japanese people and the pop peoples of other countries”. Also “Asora DX Club” in Germany sent the celebrating message.
Annual membership fee was only 300 yen for domestic and 80 cents for foreign members!
To celebrate 70th anniversary special talk about the history of JSWC between Toshimichi Ohtake, club member since 1953 and Takahito Akabayashi, since 1966, in Japanese will be on air on December 17 (“BCL Day” in Japan, celebrating the birthday of legendary BCL late Koji Yamada 1940-2008 who was also a member of JSWC) and 18 by Reach Beyond Australia “HCJB Japanese” (Kununura 75kW 5deg).

Part 1 December 16 2230-2300 15420 repeated December 17 1100-1130 11905
Part 2 December 17 2230-2300 15420 repeated December 18 1100-1130 11905
Special eQSL, woodprint by member artist Hiroyoki Ogawasara, will be issued by JSWC for the reception reports, address< swc70qsl@gmail.com . Takahito Akabayashi Tokyo, Japan Info via Facebook