Month: February 2023
Radio Öömrang broadcast is scheduled tomorrow, Tuesday 21st February 2023
From Alan Pennington:
“The Annual Radio Öömrang broadcast is scheduled tomorrow, Tuesday 21st February 2023 1600-1700 UTC on 15215 kHz via Media Broadcast Issoudun (500 kilowatts) with 300 degree beam to North America.
Tomorrow is an annual holiday on the Frisian island.
The broadcast is mainly in the Amrum Frisian or Öömrang language with occasional English. Station itself doesn’t usually verify but Media Broadcast do: ”
Info via Facebook
SDRUno mit BlackCat HF WeatherFax
Emisión Especial de Radio Öömrang 2023
ORF Online-Angebot „Ö3-Live/Visual“ wird genehmigt
Bauer startet Premium-Abos für Greatest Hits Radio und Magic Radio
Identifying Antennas On A Coastal Radio Station
GEM 99 & 100: Namensänderung dank neuer Frequenzen
Biggi Lechtermann ab sofort bei Radio 700
LRA36-Antarctica 18th of February 2023
LRA36-Antarctica will test on Saturday (2000 to 2300UTC) on 15476 kHz USB. Reception reports information:
Whatsapp messages +549 297 624 0137.
Info via Twitter
The Japanese Slot Machine – A Short Wave Radio Oddity
AM DXing 101: An Introduction to AM DXing
77% hören Digitalradio – Digitalnutzung im Auto nimmt stark zu
Ofcom widerruft Mittelwellen-Lizenz für Absolute Radio
Top 10 DX of the Year Contest
96.3 KKLZ im Wandel der Zeit: 90er statt 70er
RAE Deutsch 15 Februar 2023
Die erste Sendung des Jahres von RAE Deutsch
Info via A-DX Facebook
Global launches brand-new station Radio X Classic Rock
Weltrundfunktag: RTI-Intendantin betont die Wichtigkeit des Radios
Eifeler Radiotage 12.-14.Mai 2023
Eifeler Radiotage 12.-14.Mai 2023