The new 2012 (23rd) edition of Radio Stations in the UK is now available from the British DX Club.
Radio Stations in the UK is a comprehensive 76-page guide to BBC,commercial, community and low power AM/FM services on MW and FM, with lists in frequency order and by station name. It includes transmitter power and site details, plus contact information and a new digital radio section. Frequencies are cross-referenced to help you find parallels.
It comes with a separate guide covering Radio Stations in the Republic of Ireland.
Radio Stations in the UK is a must for anyone interested in UK domestic radio. This edition will bring you right up to date with all the changes since the last edition published almost two years ago, including many station mergers and new community radio services.
Despite the extra pages and higher postage rates, we have held all prices this year, including the special offer for two copies.
PRICE per copy (includes postage):
to UK addresses – 4.00 pounds.
to Europe – 5 GBP, 7 Euros* or 8 IRCs
to Rest of World – 6 GBP, 10 US dollars* or 9 IRCs
**SPECIAL PRICE for 2 copies: UK: 7 pounds / Europe: 10 Euros*
Please send orders to:
British DX Club
10 Hemdean Hill
Reading RG4 7SB
UK Cheques/POs payable to British DX Club.
*Dollar/Euro payments by Paypal or cash only*
Paypal payments or email enquiries to bdxc[at]
Full details also on the BDXC-UK web site –
Info via dxld