The HFCC A10 Operational Schedule as of 31 March 2010 is now available in the Public Data Files section of the HFCC website at
Info via A-DX
The HFCC A10 Operational Schedule as of 31 March 2010 is now available in the Public Data Files section of the HFCC website at
Info via A-DX
Hallo Radiofreunde
Der RMRC läd ein zum Sonderclubtreffen am Samstag, den 10.4.2010 mit
Horst Rosiak von HCJB – die Stimme der Anden.
Das Treffen am 10.4.2010 ab 18:00 Uhr in der Gaststätte
Sportzentrale, Am Erlenbruch 94, 60386 Frankfurt/M.
Zu erreichen ist die Gaststätte über die A661 Bad Homburg-Offenbach, Ausfahrt Frankfurt Ost, Richtung Eissporthalle, Riederwald oder mit der U-Bahn U7 bis Schäfflestraߟe. (Informationen auf der Homepage)
Eingeladen sind alle Interessierten Radiofreunde und DXer
Harald Gabler
RMRC Vorstand
Info via A-DX
Radio Taiwan International (RTI) is giving away a limited number of t-shirts and Special QSL Cards to the listeners around the world to thank you for the support of the radio station under “Listen to RTI and Win a T-shirt” Contest.
To enter for a chance to win a t-shirt, you can send an email or a reception report about the reception condition in your part of the world. RTI will send you a Qualified Shortwave Listener (QSL) card along with a contest entry card. Return the contest entry card back to RTI with your name and mailing address. There is no limit to the number of entries listeners can send. Photocopies of the card, however, will not be accepted..
Deadline : Mail your contest entry card to RTI with a postmark between April 1, 2010 and August 15, 2010 to enter the drawing.
More Details on :
Enjoy RTI and win the contest
Info via HCDX
WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio, was the first United States commercial 50 KW station and the only standard broadcast station to ever broadcast at a power of 500KW from 1934 to 1939! It was also the first to make use of a directional antenna system for skywave radiation control. (WSUN and WFLA, St. Petersburg, FL. shared the first directional antenna system.)
WLW was one of the classic ‘clear channel’ AM Giants of the 20th Century, with 500kW of power through its famous mast. Paul Jellison managed to get a tour of the facility in 1997 and he shares it with us here in this nice quality video production. (via Don Stevens on Facebook)
“Video and narration by Jim Hawkins – WA2WHV
Chief Engineer: Paul Jellison
There were four operational 50 KW transmitters at this site at the time.
The remains of the 500KW transmitter are shown.
The site has been cleaned up and updated since 1997.
More detailed information can be seen on my radio website at: click on WLW.
Other sites are also featured.
Info via dxld
To whom it may concern: SWR2 hat weiterhin zwei Sprachkurse als Podcast im Angebot
Info via A-DX
SUE MACGREGOR: Will someone please tell me why we need this mad switch to digital radio?
Info via RadioAnoraksUK
Eine Übersicht Radiotreffen 2010 steht im Radioforum:
Francis Lhote in the latest Hans Knot International Radio Report mentioned a recent Luxembourg TV programme about the Junglinster transmitter site in the Top Secret series.
It can be viewed online at:
Starts with adverts, slide to just above the rewind button, starts after the advert for Trouble No More.
Info via great208
Liebe Mitglieder des RTI-Hörerclub Berlin,
liebe Freunde von Radio Taiwan International,
der Termin für das diesjährige Hörertreffen steht nun endgültig fest. Es ist
SONNTAG, DER 9. MAI 2010, AB 13.30 UHR.
Der Ort unseres Treffens bleibt bestehen im “Hopfingerbräu im Palais”, Ebertstraße24, 10117 Berlin. Das Restaurant ist auch vom Pariser Platz erreichbar, gleich rechts neben dem Brandenburger Tor.
S-Bahnhof Brandenburger Tor, S1, S2, S25 und Busse TXL, 200 und 100.
Info via RHCI-Online
Hallo Freunde,
unter dem nachfolgenden Link:
ist mein “kleines MW-Projekt” zu erreichen.
Das Projekt umfasst Infos und ein kleines, einfaches Forum rund um das Thema Mittelwelle. Es es von meiner Seite sicher noch viel zu tun, um es mit Leben zu füllen.
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr mal vorbei schaut.
73 aus Lünen Friedhelm
Info via A-DX
This Sunday 28th March
08.00 – 20.00 UK Time or 07.00 – 19.00 UTC. I hope we got the clock right this time 🙂
Note: A double bill of Brendan & Tim this week.
08.00 – 12.00 Vintage SHR – Rebroadcasts from offshore and inland pirate radio plus various documentaries about all forms of radio from yesterday and today.
12.00 – 12.30 DX’ing with Cumbre – Marie Lamb brings DX News.
12.30 – 13.00 Glenn Hauser’s world of radio – DX radio news for enthusiasts.
13.00 – 14.00 The Happy Station Show with Keith Perron.
14.00 – 14.15 DX Partyline – DX information with Allen Graham.
14.15 – 14.30 Australian DX Report (ADXR) with Bob Padula.
14.30 – 15.00 Frequency Cast – UK TV & Tech from Carl & Pete.
15.00 – 20.00 Our Music with Brendan & Tim – Join Brendan Bradley and Timmy Wing for their own selection of music and fun.
Join us on-line at or live at
Major changes to the website this week and ongoing, we are having a bit of a spring clean.
Info via dxld
Jonathan Marks has uploaded a twenty minute video to Vimeo:
“I wanted to share part one of a short documentary I am making about the radio documentation centre in Vienna. When I was there in September last year, my colleague broadcaster and friend Wolf Harranth OE1WHC showed me around the world’s largest collection of radio related documents, both from the broadcast and amateur radio world. In fact the millions of QSL cards, magazines, books and unique government records tell the story of communication across international borders. They survive on help from volunteers and I hope that this video will help to explain why they are so passionate about preserving the golden age of international radio.”
Info via dxld
Hier zur Info die Videos vom Besuch des Senders Leipzig-Wiederau, am 18. Maerz 2010:
Teil 1:
Teil 2:
Teil 3:
Teil 4:
Teil 5:
Teil 6:
Teil 7:
Teil 8:
Teil 9:
Weitere Infos hier:
Info via Net-Radio
The April 2010 edition of WorldRadio Online magazine is now available for download free at
Info via dxld
Just found the following announcement on the Radio Havana website at
“Radio Havana Cuba to Broadcast on Tropical Band
Havana, March 19 (RHC)– Beginning Monday, March 22nd, Radio Havana Cuba will broadcast on the Tropical Band of shortwave frequencies. The international radio station’s programming in Spanish, English, French, Creole and Esperanto will be heard throughout Cuba, as well as in the southern part of the United States, Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and the northern part of South America.
Listeners will be able to tune in to Radio Havana Cuba between the hours of 23:00 UTC and 11:00 UTC the following day on 5040 Khz. ”
Info via dxld
I’m not sure how long this has been running, but I’ve just come across R. Thailand World Service HSK9 with a live stream of their programmes at
I’ve added a link to this at where I have created a quick to use web-links grid of many of the main international stations (with quick links to home pages, programme and frequency pages, live streams and podcast/download pages).
Info via dxld
dnt IPduo im Test
Info via Net-Radio
Radio Sweden Ends Medium, Short Wave
Info via A-DX
Hallo Radiofreunde
Der RMRC hat – dank Lutz Winkler -am Samstag, den 10.4.2010
Horst Rosiak von HCJB – die Stimme der Anden – zu Gast.
Das Treffen am 10.4.2010 ab 18:00 Uhr in der Gaststätte
Sportzentrale, Am Erlenbruch 94, 60386 Frankfurt/M.
Zu erreichen ist die Gaststätte über die A661 Bad Homburg-Offenbach, Ausfahrt Frankfurt Ost, Richtung Eissporthalle, Riederwald oder mit der U-Bahn U7 bis Schäfflestraße.
(Informationen auf der Homepage)
Eingeladen sind alle Interessierten Radiofreunde und DXer
Harald Gabler
RMRC Vorstand
Info via A-DX
UK transmitter sites on Google Street Map:
Info via dxld
WWCR ist auf 4840 Khz um 0725 Utc mit SINPO 34433. Auch hier Endlosprediger.
WTWW ist auf 5080 Khz um 0715 Utc brauchbar mit SINPO 34333 zu hören. Endlosprediger.
Das FMK-Lesertreffen UND Radio Brenner-Fan-Treffen 2010 findet am Samstag, den 17. April ab 14 Uhr im Cafe Weinberger , in Augsburg-Stadtbergen statt !
Adresse: Bismarckstr. 55, 86391 Stadtbergen.
Alle Radiofreunde sind herzlich eingeladen. Im Haus gibt es sogar Übernachtungsmöglichkeit mit Frühstück für nur 29,–Euro pro Einzelzimmer. Radiopionier und Radio Aktiv/München-Betreiber Peter Pelunka hat sich ebenfalls angemeldet. Exklusiv wird er seine Weltneuheit, den SAT-Spacer präsentieren. Hier schon mal ein kleiner Vorgeschmack. Ausserdem gibt es eine Vorstellung des Handy-SATSpacers. Weitere Infos zum Treffen (Anfahrt, etc.) erhaltet Ihr gerne auf Anfrage: fmkompakt(at)
Info via