Yessiree. There are a few DXers out there who in the pursuit of a QSL have the gall to fabricate a reception report. The phenomenon, if it can be called that, is nothing new. It is as old as radio itself.
Why address the subject? Well, a few days back a fellow DXer and free-radio operator called it to my attention. He informed me of an individual who, apparently after reading my blog entry for his station, decided to pass off a reception report as his own. The station alerted me and promptly asked the guy to submit an audio file of the transmission. Guess what? He couldn’t produce it.
Wait a minute! He could have sourced the Internet for an audio file and produced a sample, right? It does happen. I actually had one young man do just that. He submitted a file of WWV and CHU on frequencies for times normally not received in his quarter, yet he tried to pass it off as genuine. How did I know it was fake, aside from the obvious physics? The audio file — stolen from a fellow radio listener — still had the original Box or Soundcloud name attached to it.
Even with the advent of remote web-receivers some DXers attempt to pass off the remote RX location as their home RX location. A diligent station engineer/operator will immediately recognise this for what it is — a bogus or less than accurate report. Why hide the obvious fact? There is no shame in stating the actual RX location, even if it is remotely observed. Simply keep one’s home and remote QSLs in separate categories. Be honest.
Now, it is possible to submit a reception report to a station, honestly believing it is a particular broadcaster. The time, frequency and language of the broadcaster all seem to be the station. Unfortunately after either submitting a report or further listening, usually days later, one discovers the error. It happens. I have done it more than a few times myself over the decades. Yet, I will fess up and duly note my error.
Folks, honesty is more priceless than any QSL, however prized it may be. No DX contest for X number of stations, X number of countries is worth sacrificing one’s integrity. Be patient and diligent in DXing. It’s like fishing. It takes time, calculation and patience. And the results are far more rewarding when one knows it was a genuine catch.
Happy DXing!!!
Tag: receiver
DRM Receiver to Hit Market in October
TEN-TEC RX-340 Commercial Monitor Receiver
P326 (R326) HF russian receiver
DVB-T2: Neue Receiver und 1080p-Sender auf der IFA
A review of the TitanSDR Pro software defined receiver
Ten-Tec RX-340 receiver demo
MN.03.04.1997. Receiver Market Changes
Surfing shortwaves with a homebrew tube radio receiver
Using WebSDR Shortwave receiver at Twente Netherlands on the Internet
Shortwave Receiver Past & Present
wer bislang vor einer Bestellung in den USA zurückgeschreckt ist:
Das Buch Shortwave Receiver Past & Present von Fred Ostermann ist für 78 Euronen versandkostenfrei beim Radio Bookshop von OM Bernhard Hein erhältlich:
Info via A-DX
Japan Radio Company (JRC) announces a new SDR receiver: the NRD-383
WRTH 2015
WRTH 2015 will be published, as usual, in early December. This will be the 69th Annual edition! Even though both International and Domestic SW is declining there is still a lot to be heard out there on those broadcast bands, so don’t consign the SW receiver to the attic (to gather dust) just yet.
There is a mix of over 200 languages and dialects to get stuck in to, plus the Clandestine broadcasters are always around from politically troubled areas.
Some of these are low powered or broadcasting to a different part of the world and can be a tough challenge to pick up.
All the details you need to stand the best chance of catching these, or any of the other broadcasters (be it LW, MW, SW or FM), can be found in WRTH.
You will soon be able to reserve your copy of the 2015 edition and be one of the first to receive it. Check the WRTH website for pre-ordering details. If the 2014 edition is still showing, try again in a few days time.
Info via Facebook
Now shipping: Shortwave Receivers Past & Present
DRM Launches India Receiver
Osterman Empfängerbuch Shortwave Receivers Past & Present
Nun ist es bald soweit: Ab 16. September werden die ersten Bücher der vierten Auflage weltweit ausgeliefert.
Shortwave Receivers Past & Present
Communications Receivers
Info via A-DX
Shortwave Receivers Past & Present
Dave’s Radio Receiver Page has a new home
Webreceiver network
Simon Brown has added network for SDR Console V2:
Other network at
Info via webreceivers
neue Online Receiver Karte
Hallo zusammen,
neben der Weltkarte, die Empfänger zeigt, die mit der SDR Radio Net Console in der Version 1.5 erreichbar sind ( ), ist nun eine neue Weltkarte für die Programmversion v2 in Vorbereitung:
Info via A-DX
9450 khz and special test of a digital text….
The Mighty KBC will test to the USA on Sunday 11 November 2012 00.00 –
02.00 UTC on 9450 kHz!
Please join the Mighty KBC for a test of a digital text sent via a
shortwave broadcast transmitter. This will take place during the next
transmission to North America, Sunday 0000-0200 UTC, at approximately
0130 and just before the end of the broadcast at 0200.
All you need is a basic shortwave receiver (no SSB mode is necessary),
and a basic personal computer. Using a patch cord, you will feed the
audio out of the earphone jack (or line out) of your radio into the
microphone jack of your PC. If you don’t have a patch cord, you can
try placing the speaker of your radio close to the built-in microphone
of a laptop PC.
You will also need software. There are several freeware or shareware
programs used by the amateur radio community that decode digital text
modes. One is FLDIGI, available from .
After installing FLDIGI, pull down the Configure menu, then click
Sound Card, and select the soundcard your PC is using.
You might also have to adjust your audio settings. In Windows 7, left
click twice on the speaker icon in the lower right of PC display, then
click Options, then click Properties, then click Recording, then click
the input that works. Other operating systems will have different
procedures. A good way to test your audio settings is to try to decode
the radio amateurs using the PSK31 mode on 14070 kHz.
For the test digital text transmissions on Sunday, The Mighty KBC will
be using the QPSK125 mode. On your software, your cursor should be
centered on 1500 Hertz, where you will see the “waterfall” of the
QPSK125 signal. You can decode the transmission while you receive it,
or record the transmission and decode from the recording. The latter
will give you more opportunities to perfect the technique.
The test to be transmitted will be a formatted html file. Copy it from
to (and including) , and paste it to a text editor (such
as Notepad in Windows). Save the file, using any file name, with the
suffix .htm or .html. Then open the file in any web browser. If all
goes well, this might be the first time you receive a shortwave radio
broadcast in color!
In the future, an app will be developed to make this process simpler!
Info via A-DX
RMRC Herbst DX-Camp in Langenselbold 3.-9.10.2011
Der Rhein-Main-Radio-Club läd ein
zum **Herbst DX-Camp in Langenselbold 3.-9.10.2011**
Die ersten Tage und Nächte Mo-Mi. wie immer zum intensiveren Hören bei Kaffee, Bier oder Rotwein.
Wir werden auf dem DX-Camp die neueste mpfängerentwicklung der Fa. Reuter zum testen und ausprobieren haben und aller Voraussicht nach wird uns Fr. oder Sa. Herr Dennis Walter den neuen Receiver Bonito Jet 1102S vorstellen und erläutern.
Fr. und Sa. wieder warmes und kaltes Buffet.
Einzelheiten und Anmeldung über die Homepage
Eingeladen sind alle RMRC-Mitglieder, alle DXer und Radiofreaks.
Mitzubringen sind Empfänger, Kopfhörer und gute Laune.
Harald Gabler
Rhein-Main-Radio-Club, Frankfurt
Info via A-DX
Offsets: Screenshots of 130 mediumwave channels
Hallo – recently I have screenshotted some 130 medium wave channels for 6,5 hours each, spaced 9 kHz as well as 10 kHz:
* 600 kHz – 531 kHz on the 16th of December, 2010 within a window of mostly 10 Hz. Time was from about 19:00 UTC to 05:00 UTC.
* 1602 kHz – 999 kHz on the 26/27th of January, 2011 within a window of mostly 20 Hz. Preferred time has been 01:30 UTC to 08:00 UTC, with some screenshots from the afternoon (Asian DX)
Receiver was SDR-IP with GPS-disciplined oscillator.
The screenshots for each channel can be downloaded from:
Info via dxld
Kenwood bringt DAB+ Receiver fürs Auto nach Deutschland
Kenwood bringt DAB+ Receiver fürs Auto nach Deutschland
Info via Facebook
Perseus Receivers online
WDR DRM 1593 Khz
Der Westdeutsche Rundfunk (WDR) hat die Ausstrahlung seines Kinderradios Kiraka über die digitale Mittelwelle (DRM) vom Standort Langenberg (Frequenz 1593 kHz) vorerst gestoppt und durch eine Ansageschleife ersetzt. Hier fordert der WDR potenzielle Hörer auf sich per E-Mail zu melden. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Verbreitung komplett eingestellt wird, wenn die Resonanz nur gering ist. Bisher sind kaum DRM-Receiver im Handel erhältlich.
Quelle: Satnews via RundfunkstationeninDeutschland
Five new Klingenfuss products for 2011: All advance orders have been shipped!
Dear friends,
all new products for 2011
– 2011 Super Frequency List on CD
– 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide
– 2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations
– 2011 Frequency Database for the PERSEUS Software-Defined Receiver
– 1997-2010 Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on CD
have been published by 4 December. We’ve worked around the clock and hundreds of advance orders have been mailed by Monday 6 December, i.e. well in time for the Christmas holiday and radio monitoring season. Enjoy!
Please note that we did NOT increase our prices for 2011.
Since Larry Magne’s Passport to World Band Radio has been
discontinued in 2009, our 2011 Shortwave Frequency Guide remains the only international handbook that gives you full schedule details for each entry in the unique broadcast frequency list, e.g.
4824.4 – La Voz de la Selva – Iquitos – PRU – 01.00-03.00 – Sp – dom – Mon-Sat
7210.0 – All India Radio – Kolkata – IND – 04.00-05.00 – En Hi Bg –
dom – Sat Sun
11675.0 – Radio New Zealand International – Rangitaiki – NZL – 06.59-07.58 – En – Pa – DRM
On our updated website
you can download full A4 size PDF sample pages of our latest printed
products as well as the new 2011 catalogue, plus detailed product
descriptions, sample pages, screenshots, and a list of dealers
worldwide – from Australia to the United States of America!
Alternatively, you may ask for our free 24-pages 2011 printed
catalogue to your postal address.
The 2011/2012 Guide to Utility Radio Stations is the 26th edition of
this standard reference book for both professional HF radio
monitoring services and non-professional radio listeners worldwide.
Deadline for the very latest 2011 broadcast schedules published in
the brandnew Shortwave Frequency Guide was on 20 November 2010.
Unlike traditional publications in this field, our clear layout and
new typeface provides for excellent legibility. See the brandnew PDF
sample pages on our comprehensive webpage!
Apart from the usual up-to-date broadcast and utility station and
schedule databases, the 2011 Super Frequency List on CD now covers 418 fascinating new digital data decoder screenshots from
professional HF stations around the globe.
Our product Digital Data Decoder Screenshots on CD now covers more than 7,800 (seven thousand eight hundred!) digital data decoder screenshots from 1997 to today, essentially produced with WAVECOM equipment. Feed your Windows PC with this CD, and the “slide show” will keep you busy for a few days – or weeks!
WAVECOM W-CODE is a software decoder with inputs identical to the famous W61PC. It allows seamless integration with SDR (Software-Defined Radio) receivers with IQ data or digital audio outputs, and provides all functions required to analyze, decode and process data communications throughout the complete radio spectrum (HF, VHF, UHF, SHF). RADIXON’s Excalibur or MICROTELECOM’s Perseus and the W-CODE make a real dream team!
The W-CODE and W61 series of Digital Data Analyzer and Decoder
products are clearly targeted at the professional market. Typical
applications are manual or automated monitoring of radio
communication transmissions in the HF + UHF + VHF + SHF + satellite
bands, SIGINT, and signal analysis and classification. The superb new software cracks 200+ modes with worldwide leading technology.
Detailed information can be found on our website and in the printed
brochure available upon request.
As precisely predicted by ourselves – and by nobody else! – already
10 years ago in 2000, HF e-mail continues to spread rapidly and has
developed into the major application of modern digital HF techniques
that we have marketed – and used! – for years.
After Hurricane Katrina, the Indian Ocean Tsunami, and the Haiti
Earthquake, Lesson # 1 says: Forget about satphone, BPL, cellphones, e-mail and Internet. HF radio is vital!
Best wishes, Joerg Klingenfuss
Klingenfuss Publications
Klingenfuss Radio Monitoring
Hagenloher Str. 14
72070 Tuebingen
Phone +49 7071 62830
Fax +49 7071 600849
Info via A-DX
New shortwave receiver coming from Sangean
New shortwave receiver coming from Sangean
NASB Shortwave Listener Survey
New NASB Shortwave Listener Survey, is now online. The purpose of the survey is to gather demographic and other information about shortwave listeners in North America and around the world. Questions deal with listener preferences regarding shortwave stations, programming, receivers, DRM and much more. The NASB is requesting and encouraging all shortwave publications and websites to place a link to the survey, which will be online until May of 2011. The survey results will be announced to the public at the 2011 NASB annual meeting.
The URL for links to the survey is:
Info via CumbreDX