Lycos Radio is on 6300 Khz at 0850 Utc with SINPO 34433 S=8 in Sweden. Plays some dutch music and comedy. Greetings to Marcel in France. Email-address is lycosrds(@) and SMS go to +31611132010. At home no reception.
Category: webradio
Pirate radio via web received
Radio Barcelona
Radio Barcelona is on 1649 Khz at 0120 Utc with SINPO 33433 in United Kingdom. Plays some dutch music.
Radio Tijdbreker
Radio Tijdbreker is on 1636 Khz at 0040 Utc with SINPO 34433 in United Kingdom. The OP is a bit drunken and it is difficult to understand ID. Plays some dutch music.
Westcoast Radio
Westcoast Radio is on 3922 Khz at 0025 Utc with SINPO 34433 in Sweden. Plays some rock and pop songs of the 80th.
Two unidentified stations on 1645 Khz and 1650 Khz at 1745 Utc with SINPO 54444 in Sweden. Both playing polkas and dutch music, both signing off some minutes later without announcement.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1555 Utc with SINPO 34433 in Sweden. Plays some nonstop pop-music.
At 1800 Utc live programme for 60 minutes with Chris Ise and Andy Walker. SINPO 44444 in Sweden.
Cupid Radio
Cupid Radio is on 3927 Khz at 1930 Utc with SINPO 25433 in United Kingdom. Plays Guns and Roses Knockin on heaven’s door. Rolling Stones with Satisfaction follow. At home no reception.
It is a joint broadcast with Radio Whitesnake and SMS go to +31610544700.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1755 Utc with SINPO 44444 in Sweden. Plays some nonstop pop-music. At 1801 Utc Chris Ise and Andy Walker start their morderated programmes with classic rock. S=9+20dB superb signal in Sweden, the legal station on nearby 6225 Khz seems to be have closed down also.
Radio Unique
Radio Unique is on 1636 Khz at 1955 Utc with SINPO 34433 in Sweden. Plays some dutch music and Schlager. Tentative email-address is radio-unique(@)
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 1945 Utc with SINPO 44434 in Sweden. Plays nonstop pop-music.
Mystery Radio
Mystery Radio is on 6220 Khz at 2050 Utc with SINPO 44444 S=9+5dB in Sweden. Plays nonstop pop-music.
Radio Armada
Radio Armada is on 1645 Khz at 2030 Utc with SINPO 54444 in Sweden. Plays some Oldies of the 60th and 70th. Later QSO with Radio Crystal and Zender Bahnbreaker.
Fox 48
Fox 48 is on 6300 Khz at 1450 Utc with SINPO 34433 in Sweden. Plays some Oldies of the 60th. Hear the station also at home from 1440 Utc with SINPO 24433 fading out 10 minutes later.
Laser Hot Hits
Laser Hot Hits is on 6275 Khz at 1055 Utc with SINPO 23322 in Sweden. Plays some jingles and rock sound.
Zender Ascona
Listen to Zender Ascona on 6425 Khz at 1005 Utc with SINPO 33433 in Sweden. Plays some dutch music. SMS +31646107769 email zenderascona(@) and the station has also a new website via At home no reception at the moment.
Orion Radio
Orion Radio is on 6280 Khz at 0740 Utc with SINPO 45444 S=9 in Sweden. Plays some dutch music and address jingle.
RWI Radio Waves International
RWI Radio Waves International is on 6325 Khz at 0720 Utc with SINPO 33433 in Sweden. Plays some easy listening music and clear ID.
Radio Scotland
Radio Scotland is on around 6267 Khz at 0710 Utc with SINPO 23433 in Sweden. Plays some pop-music. Weak signal with some utility interference.
At 0810 Utc SINPO is 54444 and SMS go to +31 653489736.
Radio Bandong
Tentative Radio Bandong is on 1655 Khz at 0005 with SINPO 54444 in United Kingdom. Plays some dutch music, Bandong was mentioned but I heard no clear ID.
Radio Verona
Radio Verona is on around 1638 Khz at 2325 Utc with SINPO 43443 in United Kingdom. Plays some dutch music and IDs.
Farmers from Holland
Farmers from Holland are on 1645 Khz at 2310 Utc with SINPO 44444 S=9 in United Kingdom. Play some dutch music and the Farmers can be reached at +31 623431106.
Zender James Bond
Zender James Bond is on around 1645 Khz at 2230 Utc with SINPO 43443 in United Kingdom. Makes some QSO.
Radio Boomerang
Radio Boomerang is on 3922 Khz at 2225 Utc with SINPO 55444 in United Kingdom. S=9+20dB huge signal, no reception at home. Plays some Schlager and pop-music.
Mystery Radio
Listen to Mystery Radio on 6220 Khz at 1910 Utc with SINPO 34433 in Sweden. Live brodacast with Chris Ise and Andy Walker. Emails go to mysteryradio(@)
Radio Titanic
Radio Titanic is on 1660 Khz at 2130 Utc with SINPO 43443 in United Kingdom. Plays some Dire Straits and is talking to Zender Flevojager and Radio Diablo on 1673 Khz.