Radio Star International 1 January 2012

Radio Star International 1 January 2012

Our planned broadcasts for August and October 2011 were postponed due to poor conditions on the bands, however we are pleased to announce RSI will be back on the air on New years day 2012.
We will be broadcasting on 6285/7600 Khz (to be confirmed) from 0800 to 1400 UTC

With the following line up..

0800 Bright and Early (light classical music)
0830 Morning Melody (easy listening)
0900 Good morning Sunday with Roger Dale
1000 The Matt Roberts radio extravaganza
1100 Robert Murray’s Classic Rock show
1200 The Lunchtime show with Roger Dale
1300 Mailbag with Christopher Phillips
1400 Close Down

Don’t forget you can leave any comments about the station on the feedback button here on the web site or via the New Radio Chat message board.

Our mailing address for reception reports and to receive our information pack is;


PO Box 2702

6049ZG Herten


Please enclose 2 Euro’s or 2 US Dollars or a Stamped Addressed Envelope if writing from the UK

Check our website for the exact date of transmission for each month.

Info via Twitter