On This Day. August 27

Hi all.
Just want to say Thanks to everyone who has helped with adding to these memories; a radio wave travels at the speed of light, literally there and gone, so it is important to recognise the efforts of those who ran the risks to get on the air for the benefit of the listeners.
So On This Day.
August 27
27 Aug. 1971 GBR. Edinburgh. 1322 kHz MW. 01:00-02:30 Radio Free City is on air tonight
27 Aug. 1972
+ GBR. London. 230m MW, [1304 kHz]. Radio Concord is on air every Sunday 11:00-15:00
+ GBR. London. 227m MW, [1321 kHz] Radio Jackie is on air today
+ IRL. Dublin. 15325 kHz MW. Radio Valleri is on air today 12:00-13:00
+ GBR. London. 7500 kHz SW. Skyport Radio is on air today 11:00-13:00
27 Aug. 1978
+ GBR. North London. 1358 kHz MW. Radio AMY is on air today 11:00-14:00 every Sunday
+ GBR. 6270 or 6275 kHz SW. Radio Zodiac International is on air today, with Roger Vosene, Dave Hunt and Stuart Clarke
+ GBR. London. 92.0 FM. Radio Free London is on air today
+ GBR. London. 92.4 FM. Invicta Radio is on air this Sunday
+ GBR. London. 92.8 FM. Radio Telstar South is on air this evening
27 Aug. 1981 GBR Merseyside 1107kHz MW. Radio J1000 is on air 7 days a week
27 Aug. 1983
+ GBR. London. 1494 kHz MW. Radio Sovereign is on air today. Shows are noted by Kevin Turner and Bernie Simmons
+ GBR. London. 90.2 FM Phoenix Radio is on air 17:00-23:00, followed by Alices Restaurant
27 Aug. 1984
+ IRL. Dublin. 738 kHz MW. Radio Nova is on air today
+ GBR. Ludlow. 1017 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Sunshine Radio is on air today
+ GBR. Merseyside. 1179 kHz MW. Radio Elenore is on air today
+ IRL. Dublin. 1242 kHz MW. Radio South Dublin is on air today
+ ???. 1242 kHz MW. A test broadcast of Radio Active is noted today with a strong signal in Scotland
+ GBR. SW London. 1332 kHz MW. On air 7 days a week, Radio Jackie is on air today
+ GBR. Merseyside. 1386 kHz MW. Central Radio is on air today this August Bank Holiday Monday
+ GBR. SE London. 1413 kHz MW and 90.2 FM. Skyline Radio is on air today 06:00-00:00
+ GBR. Notting Hill. 93.9 FM. The last ever broadcast of DBC occurs today from the carnival, Rankin Miss P is the last voice heard on this station. Lepke is to go on to assist other stations such as JBC, and also in Birmingham where he has assisted PCRL
+ GBR. London. 102.5 FM. Horizon Radio is on air 7 days a week
+ GBR. London. 102.8 FM. JFM is on air 7 days a week
27 Aug. 1987 GBR. Redruth. 1503 kHz MW. Radio Argus Cornwall is on air today
27 Aug. 1988
+ GBR. Camborne. 1503 kHz MW. Radio Argus Cornwall is on air 08:00-23:00
+ GBR. Chelmsford. 90.7 FM. Radio Galaxy is on air today
27 Aug. 1989
+ GBR. St Ives. 1602 kHz MW. Another broadcast of Radio Argus Cornwall is made, including what is to be Sid Jackall’s last show.
+ GBR. London. 92.0 FM. Rock FM [RFM] is on air today
As usual, any additions and corrections will be gratefully received.
Have a nice Sunday everyone 🙂

Info via Bert Bridges on Facebook