FRS Holland

Dear FRS Friends,

Season’s Greetings from all of us at FRS-Holland. We wish all of you a merry Christmas.
May 2009 become a healthy, successful and radioactive year for all of you.
Thanks for your support in the past year.

Next Sunday December 28th 2008, FRS-Holland will take to the airwaves with another 5 hour seasonal broadcast.
We will be on 6220 kHz 08.00-13.00 UTC. In addition we are on 6400 kHz 08.00-22.00 UTC ánd 9770 kHz 14.30-15.30 UTC.
9770 features part 1 & 2 of FRS goes DX, output will be a 100 kW. We issue a special seasonal QSL card for next Sunday.
We’d love to hear from you….please add some personal comments and px criticism in your report. That would be fine!
Programmes will be presented by Jan van Dijk, Paul Graham, Mike Anderson & Peter Verbruggen.
Mike Anderson will present DX-Welle in German. Jan van Dijk will be doing the German Service including a 2008 Free Radio overview. Peter V. presents an extra long FRS Magazine flashing back to December 1988 and December 1998 and present FRS goes DX (part 1 & 2) including news from around the world and SW Free Radio news as well.
Ingredients for next Sunday are: great music from the past 4 decades, radio news, 2008 review, listener’s letters & eMails from November, a listeners competition, the ‘Phrase that Pays’, New Year Greetings and much, much more….

Christmas Day and Boxing Day Peter V. will present each day a one hour show on 9770 kHz 13.00- 14.00 hours UTC.
These programmes are part of a joint venture of KBC Radio, Britain Radio Int. and FRS-Holland. All shows are aired under the umbrella of the Mighty KBC but reports for the 13.00-14.00 UTC shows are more than welcome and can be sent to our usual mail or postal address! The broadcasts on both XMas Days will take place between 10.00- 15.30 UTC. 100,000 watts on 9770 kHz.

FRSH on a Sunday means fun & enjoyment….

All the best,

Peter Verbruggen on behalf of the entire FRS Crew being Bobby Speed, Mike Anderson, Jan van Dijk, PV & Paul Graham